“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."
Albert Einstein
Early childhood is a wondrous, but brief window of opportunity, in which we can profoundly influence and uniquely shape our children’s development for their long-term gain.
Modern neuroscience can now help us to understand how children's growth and learning can best be supported - with a little knowledge, we can go a long way.
"When learning is purposeful, creativity blossoms. When creativity blossoms, thinking emanates. When thinking emanates, knowledge is fully lit."
A.P.J. Abdul Kalum

An Interview with Mary-Helen Immordino-Yang and Scott Barry Kaufman – ‘A Defence of Daydreaming’ from WHYY.org

Children are often told to stop daydreaming.  But neuroscientists are finding that daydreaming is vital exercise for the brain. Letting your mind wander is important for saving memories, planning for the future, developing morality, creative thinking and self-awareness.  But in our increasingly busy and distracted lives, some people worry that we are losing idling time to linger in the shower, stare out a window, and just twiddle our thumbs.  This hour – a conversation with two psychologists on the importance of downtime.  Marty talks with MARY HELEN IMMORDINO-YANG, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the Brain and Creativity Institute at the University of Southern California and SCOTT BARRY KAUFMAN, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology at New York University.

A Defense of Daydreaming

The Decline of Play and Rise in Children’s Mental Disorders. by Peter Gray Ph.D. (freedom to Learn)

There’s a reason kids are more anxious and depressed than ever. Rates of depression and anxiety among young people in America have been increasing steadily for the past 50 to 70 years. Today, by at least some estimates, five to eight times as many high school and college students meet the criteria for a diagnosis of major depression and/or anxiety disorder as was true half a century or more ago. This increased psychopathology is not the result of changed diagnostic criteria; it holds even when the measures and criteria are constant.

The most recent evidence for the sharp generational rise in young people’s depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders comes from a just-released study headed by Jean Twenge at San Diego State University.[1] Twenge and her colleagues took advantage of the fact that the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), a questionnaire used to assess a variety of mental disorders, has been given to large samples of college students throughout the United States going as far back as 1938, and the MMPI-A (the version used with younger adolescents) has been given to samples of high school students going as far back as 1951. The results are consistent with other studies, using a variety of indices, which also point to dramatic increases in anxiety and depression—in children as well as adolescents and young adults—over the last five or more decades.

We would like to think of history as progress, but if progress is measured in the mental health and happiness of young people, then we have been going backward at least since the early 1950s.

The question I want to address here is why.

The increased psychopathology seems to have nothing to do with realistic dangers and uncertainties in the larger world. The changes do not correlate with economic cycles, wars, or any of the other kinds of world events that people often talk about as affecting children’s mental states. Rates of anxiety and depression among children and adolescents were far lower during the Great Depression, World War II, the Cold War, and the turbulent 1960s and early ’70s than they are today. The changes seem to have much more to do with the way young people view the world than with the way the world actually is.

Decline in Young People’s Sense of Personal Control Over Their Fate

One thing we know about anxiety and depression is that they correlate significantly with people’s sense of control or lack of control over their own lives. People who believe that they are in charge of their own fate are less likely to become anxious or depressed than those who believe that they are victims of circumstances beyond their control. You might think that the sense of personal control would have increased over the last several decades. Real progress has occurred in our ability to prevent and treat diseases; the old prejudices that limited people’s options because of race, gender, or sexual orientation have diminished; and the average person is wealthier than in decades past. Yet the data indicate that young people’s belief that they have control over their own destinies has declined sharply over the decades.

The standard measure of sense of control is a questionnaire developed by Julien Rotter in the late 1950s called the Internal-External Locus of ControlScale. The questionnaire consists of 23 pairs of statements. One statement in each pair represents belief in an Internal locus of control (control by the person) and the other represents belief in an External locus of control(control by circumstances outside of the person). The person taking the test must decide which statement in each pair is more true. One pair, for example, is the following:

  • (a) I have found that what is going to happen will happen.
  • (b) Trusting to fate has never turned out as well for me as making a decision to take a definite course of action.

In this case, choice (a) represents an External locus of control and (b) represents an Internal locus of control.

Many studies over the years have shown that people who score toward the Internal end of Rotter’s scale fare better in life than do those who score toward the External end.[2] They are more likely to get good jobs that they enjoy, take care of their health, and play active roles in their communities—and they are less likely to become anxious or depressed.

In a research study published a few years ago, Twenge and her colleagues analyzed the results of many previous studies that used Rotter’s Scale with young people from 1960 through 2002.[3] They found that over this period average scores shifted dramatically—for children aged 9 to 14 as well as for college students—away from the Internal toward the External end of the scale. In fact, the shift was so great that the average young person in 2002 was more External than were 80% of young people in the 1960s. The rise in Externality on Rotter’s scale over the 42-year period showed the same linear trend as did the rise in depression and anxiety. 

[Correction: The locus of control data used by Twenge and her colleagues for children age 9 to 14 came from the Nowicki-Strickland Scale, developed by Bonnie Strickland and Steve Nowicki, not from the Rotter Scale. Their scale is similar to Rotter’s, but modified for use with children.]

It is reasonable to suggest that the rise of Externality (and decline of Internality) is causally related to the rise in anxiety and depression. When people believe that they have little or no control over their fate they become anxious: “Something terrible can happen to me at any time and I will be unable to do anything about it.” When the anxiety and sense of helplessness become too great people become depressed: “There is no use trying; I’m doomed.”

Shift Toward Extrinsic Goals, Away From Intrinsic Goals

Twenge’s own theory is that the generational increases in anxiety and depression are related to a shift from “intrinsic” to “extrinsic” goals.[1] Intrinsic goals are those that have to do with one’s own development as a person—such as becoming competent in endeavors of one’s choosing and developing a meaningful philosophy of life. Extrinsic goals, on the other hand, are those that have to do with material rewards and other people’s judgments. They include goals of high income, status, and good looks. Twenge cites evidence that young people today are, on average, more oriented toward extrinsic goals and less oriented toward intrinsic goals than they were in the past. For example, an annual poll of college freshmen shows that most students today list “being well off financially” as more important to them than “developing a meaningful philosophy of life”—the reverse was true in the 1960s and 1970s.[4]

The shift toward extrinsic goals could well be related causally to the shift toward an External locus of control. We have much less personal control over achievement of extrinsic goals than intrinsic goals. I can, through personal effort, quite definitely improve my competence, but that doesn’t guarantee that I’ll get rich. I can, through spiritual practices or philosophical delving, find my own sense of meaning in life, but that doesn’t guarantee that people will find me more attractive or lavish praise on me. To the extent that my emotional sense of satisfaction comes from progress toward intrinsic goals I can control my emotional wellbeing. To the extent that my satisfaction comes from others’ judgments and rewards, I have much less control over my emotional state.

Twenge suggests that the shift from intrinsic to extrinsic goals represents a general shift toward a culture of materialism, transmitted through television and other media. Young people are exposed from birth to advertisements and other messages implying that happiness depends on good looks, popularity, and material goods. My guess is that Twenge is at least partly correct on this, but I will suggest a further cause, which I think is even more significant and basic: My hypothesis is that the generational increases in Externality, extrinsic goals, anxiety, and depression are all caused largely by the decline, over that same period, in opportunities for free play and the increased time and weight given to schooling.

How the Decline of Free Play May Have Caused a Decline in Sense of Control and in Intrinsic Goals, and a Rise in Anxiety and Depression

As I pointed out here and here—and as others have pointed out in recent popular books[5]—children’s freedom to play and explore on their own, independent of direct adult guidance and direction, has declined greatly in recent decades. Free play and exploration are, historically, the means by which children learn to solve their own problems, control their own lives, develop their own interests, and become competent in pursuit of their own interests. This has been the theme of many of my previous posts. (See, for example, the series of posts on “The Value of Play.”) In fact, play, by definition, is activity controlled and directed by the players; and play, by definition, is directed toward intrinsic rather than extrinsic goals.

By depriving children of opportunities to play on their own, away from direct adult supervision and control, we are depriving them of opportunities to learn how to take control of their own lives. We may think we are protecting them, but in fact we are diminishing their joy, diminishing their sense of self-control, preventing them from discovering and exploring the endeavors they would most love, and increasing the odds that they will suffer from anxiety, depression, and other disorders.

How Coercive Schooling Deprives Young People of Personal Control, Directs Them Toward Extrinsic Goals, and Promotes Anxiety and Depression

During the same half-century or more that free play has declined, school and school-like activities (such as lessons out of school and adult-directed sports) have risen continuously in prominence. Children today spend more hours per day, days per year, and years of their life in school than ever before. More weight is given to tests and grades than ever. Outside of school, children spend more time than ever in settings in which they are directed, protected, catered to, ranked, judged, and rewarded by adults. In all of these settings, adults are in control, notchildren.

In school, children learn quickly that their own choices of activities and their own judgments of competence don’t count; what matters are the teachers’ choices and judgments. Teachers are not entirely predictable: You may study hard and still get a poor grade because you didn’t figure out exactlywhat the teacher wanted you to study or guess correctly what questions he or she would ask. The goal in class, in the minds of the great majority of students, is not competence but good grades. Given a choice between really learning a subject and getting an A, the great majority of students would, without hesitation, pick the latter. That is true at every stage in the educational process, at least up to the level of graduate school. That’s not the fault of students; that’s our fault. We’ve set it up that way. Our system of constant testing and evaluation in school—which becomes increasingly intense with every passing year—is a system that very clearly substitutes extrinsic rewards and goals for intrinsic ones. It is almost designed to produce anxiety and depression.[6]

School is also a place where children have little choice about with whom they can associate. They are herded into spaces filled with other children that they did not choose, and they must spend a good portion of each school day in those spaces. In free play, children who feel harassed or bullied can leave the situation and find another group that is more compatible; in school, they cannot. Whether the bullies are other students or teachers (which is all too common), the child usually has no choice but to face those persons day after day.

The results are sometimes disastrous.

A few years ago, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jeremy Hunter conducted a study of happiness and unhappiness in public school students in 6th through 12th grade.[7] Each of 828 participants, from 33 different schools in 12 different communities across the country, wore a special wristwatch for a week, programmed to provide a signal at random times between 7:30 am and 10:30 pm. Whenever the signal went off participants filled out a questionnaire indicating where they were, what they were doing, and how happy or unhappy they were at the moment.

The lowest levels of happiness by far (surprise, surprise) occurred when children were at school, and the highest levels occurred when they were out of school and conversing or playing with friends. Time spent with parents fell in the middle of the range. Average happiness increased on weekends, but then plummeted from late Sunday afternoon through the evening, in anticipation of the coming school week.

As a society, we have come to the conclusion that children must spend increasing amounts of time in the very setting where they least want to be. The cost of that belief, as measured by the happiness and mental health of our children, is enormous.

It is time to re-think education.

Another Way

Anyone who looks honestly at the experiences of students at Sudbury model democratic schools and of unschoolers—where freedom, play, and self-directed exploration prevail—knows that there is another way. We don’t need to drive kids crazy to educate them. Given freedom and opportunity, without coercion, young people educate themselves. They do so joyfully, and in the process develop intrinsic values, personal self-control, and emotional wellbeing. That’s the overriding message of the whole series of essays in this blog. It’s time for society to take an honest look.

In my last post I invited readers to submit their stories of self-directed education, and many of you have responded. That invitation is still open, but please respond soon. Over the next several weeks I will post essays about how children learn to read through their self-directed play and exploration, how and why they learn math, and how they develop special interests and skills that lead eventually to careers.

link to original article 


[1] Twenge, J., et al., (2010). Birth cohort increases in psychopathology among young Americans, 1938-2007: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of the MMPI. In press, Clinical Psychology Review 30, 145-154.
[2] For references, see Twenge et al. (2004).
[3] Twenge, J. et al. (2004). Its beyond my control: A cross-temporal meta-analysis of increasing externality in locus of control, 1960-2002. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 8, 308-319.
[4] Pryor, J. H., et al. (2007). The American freshman: Forty-year trends, 1966-2006. Los Angeles: Higher Education Research Institute.
[5] Examples of such books are Hara Estroff Marano’s A Nation of Wimpsand Lenore Skenazy’s Free Range Kids.
[6] Consistent with this claim is evidence that the more academically competitive the school, the greater is the incidence of student depression. Herman, K. C., et al. (2009). Childhood depression: Rethinking the role of school. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 433-446.
[7] Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Hunter, J. (2003). Happiness in everyday life: The uses of experience sampling. Journal of Happiness Studies, 4, 185-199.

From Naturalstart.org – ‘Nurturing Children’s Love – Animals’

A group of preschoolers, trying their hardest to be quiet while on a nature walk, are treated to the antics of a family of ducks swimming in a small pond. The ducks, expecting bread crumbs from the children, waddle onto the shore and start approaching the group.Anna: (screams of excitement) They’re coming up to us! They’re coming up to us! Maria:  Look, they have babies! Aw, they’re so cute and so fuzzy!Dionne, who has never been this close to “wild animals” before, scrambles to hide behind teacher’s legs.Charlie: (In a whisper) They want food! They want us to feed them!Luis: No, they want to say hi! I’m going to catch one! I’m going to get a baby one!The children’s teacher gently urges Luis to “stay in one spot so the ducks can say hi to us” –but clearly it’s all Luis can do to keep himself from running after the ducks. Dionne continues to hide, while Anna, Charlie, and the others continue to make observations and squeal with excitement at the ducks’ behavior. https://naturalstart.org/feature-stories/nurturing-childrens-love-animals

An interesting article from mybrainblox.com – ‘Why Open ended Toys are so Good for Kids’

“The more passive the toy, the more active the play.”

After spending an arm & a leg on presents, parents are often frustrated and baffled to find their child enjoying the cardboard box the toy came in more than the toy itself. But, have you ever wondered why this happens?

Our children’s minds were designed to LEARNEXPLOREDISCOVER and CREATE. To test ideas and find answers, to try and try again until they find a solution that works. Children are hard-wired for this and crave opportunities where they can let their growing minds run wild.

I once heard that giving a child a mechanical toy is like playing for them. Crazy, right?

Let’s talk about open ended toys, what it means & why they’re so beneficial.


From psychologytoday.com – ‘The Empathy Brain’ By Christian Keysers

Why We Care About The People Of Syria

Modern western cultures have shifted their focus from groups and classes to the individual and his or her personal right to pursue happiness. Each one of us feels that whatever is within the mantle of our skin is ‘self’, and whatever is outside is something else, something ‘out there’. In this vision of the world, you and I are two separate entities with very little connection between us. 

            This view of human nature raises a terrible question: is there anything inside us that makes us care about other people? The response of the international community against the Syrian government gives us a positive message: it seems that we do care. Never have there been as many humanitarian actions in the world as today. But if we are disconnected, separate individuals, derived from ‘the survival of the fittest’ why do we care about other people? Religion for thousands of years gave us an ultimate answer: because God tells us to do so. Here I will show how recent brain science proposes a different, more proximal, and I trust, more universal answer. Evolution has equipped our brains with ‘shared circuits’ that make us share what other individuals do and feel. These circuits exist because they help us learn from and collaborate with each other. But they have an important side effect: they make us care about others. They equip us with a conscience, that makes us feel that it would be horribly wrong to stay silent while thousands get butchered.


Some helpful tips to limit screentime from mastermommy.com ’19 Strategies to Limit Screen time in kids’

By Priya, January 29, 2019

What is Screen Time :

Screen time includes usage of smartphones, playing video games, watching television etc.

Excess screen time is the major problem we commonly see in kids and adults these days.It ranges from 3 to 5 hours a day.

Here is a quick fact:

Children who watch screens and play video games for hours each day miss :

  • Face-to-face interactions.
  • Social connections.
  • Playtime.

As per research children who spend most of the time in front of the screen are most likely to face health issues affecting their eyes and brain as well.

Main factors which affect your child include :

  • Less connected to the real world.
  • They can’t concentrate on their studies and unable to do home works.
  • Not active and might have depression.
  • They don’t interact with family members.
  • They face difficulty in falling asleep hence they don’t sleep on time.
  • Spend less time to play.

Why do we need to Limit screen time in kids ?

Kids try to imitate the characters they see in the screens. They imagine themselves in those characters and they tend to act like the same character what they have seen. This might cause the problem as the children are not mature enough to understand between the real and imaginary world.

It is common today kids spend most of the time on screen more than the outdoor activities. As a parent, it is our responsibility to limit screen time.

Benefits of limited screen time :

  • Kids are highly energetic.
  • Able to spend more time on outdoor activities.
  • More healthy and active.
  • Able to sleep on time

19 Tips to limit screen time Link

‘Why Kids Need Risk, Fear and Excitement’ by Mariana Brussoni Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia

“Be careful!” “Not so high!” “Stop that!” 

Concerned parents can often be heard urging safety when children are at play. Recent research suggests this may be over-protective and that kids need more opportunities for risky play outdoors. 

Risky play is thrilling and exciting play where children test their boundaries and flirt with uncertainty. They climb trees, build forts, roam the neighbourhood with friends or play capture the flag. Research shows such play is associated with increased physical activity, social skills, risk management skills, resilience and self-confidence. These findings make intuitive sense when you watch children at play

Importantly, it’s not up to parents or experts to decide what is risky play for a particular child. 

Rather, children need to be given the mental and physical space to figure out appropriate risk levels for themselves: far enough that it feels exhilarating, but not so far that it becomes too scary. 

My years as an injury prevention researcher have left me well aware of things that can go wrong and how to prevent them from happening. But because I have a doctorate in developmental psychology, I am also concerned that we are keeping our kids too safe. Preventing our kids from exploring uncertainty could have unintended negative consequences for their health and development, such as increased sedentary behaviouranxiety and phobias

Parents’ hopes and fears

Many of the parents I’ve spoken to through my research recognize the importance of risky play, but can be overwhelmed by worry about the possibility of serious injury or abduction. They also worry that someone is going to report them to the authorities for letting their child take risks. These worries make it hard for them to let go and can result in over-protection

More recently, I’ve noticed an opposite trend: parents who are worried their child is too timid and not taking enough risks. They want to know how they can help their child take more risks in play. 

This concerns me as much as over-protection. Both approaches can increase the risk of injury and harm since they ignore children’s capabilities and preferences. How will children learn about themselves and how the world works if an adult is constantly telling them what to do and how to do it?
